Round table: "Migratory Culture Reflected in Modern Art"


The discussion took place within the framework of the international exhibition “Towards the Other”, organized by the Netherlands Institute in St. Petersburg, together with the Creative Association of Curators SPb. 

Participants from the Netherlands and Russia attempted to define the concept “migratory culture”, coined by the Dutch cultural theorist and artist Mieke Bal, in the context of contemporary migratory processes running through Europe and Russia.  How does culture change under the influence of migration?  Is it possible to speak of a transfusion of culture and in which ways is this disseminated?  What is the role of art and the artist in the highlighting of migratory processes?  These and other questions were offered for discussion.

Participants in the discussion: Mieke Bal (University of Amsterdam), Ernst Van Alphen (Leiden University), Dmitry Vylensky (“What is to Be Done?”), Olga Egorova (Heron and “What is to Be Done?”), Ilya Doronchenkov (EUSP), Natalya Mazur (EUSP), Olga Brednikova (CISR), Mila Shevale (The Netherlands Institute in St. Petersburg), Anna Bytkina (Creative Association of Curators SPb), Maria Veitz (Creative Association of Curators SPb).

Exhibition program, in Russian (pdf 143KB)