REESC at the University of Pittsburh SUPPORTS EUSP

Press release

Colleagues at the European University at St. Petersburg,

The Russian and East European Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh extends its strong support for the European University at St. Petersburg (EUSP) in a situation that has given rise to grave concern in the international academic community.

EUSP is a leading Russian postgraduate school in the social sciences and humanities. It is ranked number one for research in the internal grading by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, a ranking that includes a citation index. It has gained an international reputation for excellence in scholarship and education; it attracts some of the best students from Russia and abroad. It is a hub of vibrant intellectual and cultural life in Saint Petersburg. These remarkable achievements have attracted routine collaboration faculty across numerous fields. The threat to EUSP’s teaching license therefore jeopardizes an institution that elevates Russia both domestically and internationally. Given EUSPb's robust international reputation in both research and teaching, we believe that the recent revocation of EUSPb's teaching license was unwarranted, and ought to be restored without delay.

In support,

Faculty and staff at the Russian and East European Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh

Original text (pdf)