Meeting of EUSP Students and Faculty with the Governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko


The meeting of EUSP students, alumni and faculty with Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko took place on Thursday, May 19th in the Conference Hall of EUSP. The city’s chief administrator noted the high achievements of EUSP in Russian and international academic circles.  In particular, the fact that, according to the London School of Economics rating, EU is the only Russian university among the hundred best European research and educational facilities in the area of political science.

Ms. Matvienko recounted her vision of St. Petersburg as a center for Russian science and innovations.  In speaking of the three basic clusters for innovation – the automotive, pharmaceutical and high technology industries – the Governor emphasized that St. Petersburg needs to follow a model of “smart” economics.  “The main thing is that large Russian and international companies need to situate in the city not only their production lines, but also their research facilities.  This is one of the main goals in the city’s Vision for Socio-Economic Development for the year 2020.” Ms. Matvienko said.  The Governor also noted that St. Petersburg needs to continue to preserve and build upon its “European” vector.  The city needs to utilize to the fullest its tourist business potential, to develop its infrastructure and to preserve its historic and cultural inheritance.

During the meeting Ms. Matvienko answered questions from students and faculty.  The discourse continued for more than an hour and a half, during which time participants touched upon a great variety of topics on the life of the city.

EUSP students were interested in support programs for young people, including the availability of scholarships for foreign students.  EU’s Vice Rector for International Affairs, Vadim Volkov, suggested that the city administration start the initiative on the federal level of easing visa and registration requirements for foreigners.  In answer to this Ms. Matvienko remembered how difficult it was for her, over a two year period, to achieve the easing of visa requirements for tourists arriving on cruise ships.  At the present time this category of travelers is able to utilize the non-visa requirement for a maximum of 72 hours in St. Petersburg.  The Governor was also asked about the possibility of starting a program for bicycle paths in the city; the problem of recycled garbage was also raised.

Professor Elena Zdravomyslova of the Political Science and Sociology Department inquired about the city’s interest in social medicine research.  The Department of Anthropology graduate student Anna Klepnikova raised the question of integrating citizens with various stages of handicaps into the overall life of the city.  Ms. Matvienko asked participants of this meeting to summarize their suggestions on these topics and to send them to the appropriate city administrative offices.

In summarizing the meeting EUSP Rector Oleg Kharkhordin touched upon the idea of creating an “innovation cluster”, which would focus on social sciences and liberal arts.  The Governor, in response, asked EUSP specialists in these areas to participate in such a project.

“The European University is thankful to Ms. Matvienko for providing us the possibility of meeting with her. This meeting, without a doubt, was both interesting and useful.  Our students noted that the Governor was very straightforward and answered all questions fully; she even stayed for a longer period of time, than was originally planned. Her lively reactions and desire for dialogue speaks for the fact that Ms. Matvienko has at her disposal all necessary information on the main aspects of life in the city. We share the opinion of the city administration that attention needs to be paid to the development of an innovative, “smart” economy, which would attract a flow of investment into St. Petersburg, and we, in turn, hope that the dialogue with the city will continue, in respect to concrete projects discussed during this meeting” - noted Rector Kharkhordin.

Kirill Bykov, Director for Russian Projects and GR