Lilia Zemnukhova Defends her Candidate of Science Dissertation



On December 23 Lilia Zemnukhova defended her Candidate of Science dissertation in the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She is a PhD student in the Department of Political Science and Sociology as well as a fellow at the Center for Science and Technology Studies. The topic of her dissertation is “Formirovanie professional’noi obshchnosti rabotnikov sfery informatsionnykh tekhnologij (na primere Sankt-Peterburga) [The Formation of a Professional Community of Specialists in the Field of Information Technology (a case of Saint Petersburg)].”

Ms. Zemnukhova’s work was completed in the sector for research on social structures at the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the guidance of sector head and PhD Galina Eremicheva.

We congratulate Lilia Zemnukhova on her successful defense and achievement of the Candidate’s Degree in the Social Sciences!