Lecture by Stanislav Shmelev (University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, UK)


This lecture coincides with the release of Dr. Shmelev’s latest publication “Ecological Economics: Sustainability in Practise”, which examines the problems of sustainable development at macro and regional levels as well as the methodology for an analysis of ecological and economical interplay and ecological economical applications.

Stanislav Shmelev graduated from the Department of Economic Cybernetics at St. Petersburg State University in 2003.  He successfully defended his PhD dissertation “An Ecological-Economic Model for Regional Waste Management”. From 2003 to 2007 he was Guest Researcher at the Sustainable Europe Research Center in Vienna, Guest researcher at the Open University, he taught at the University of Essex and worked in an Oxford consultancy (United Kingdom). In 2008 and 2009 Dr. Shmelev held the post of Senior Research Fellow at the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University. He was Visiting Professor at the Universities of Geneva (2007), Versailles (2008) and Paris Dauphine (2009). He is a graduate of the European International “Lead 2007” Program.  He is currently Director of the non-governmental organization “Environment Europe” at Oxford University. More information can be found at  http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/staff/sshmelev.html