European University scholarly projects receive support from the Russian Science Foundation


The Russian Science Foundation has finalized the results of the 2023 competition for projects of individual scholarly groups, the 2023 competition for interdisciplinary research, and the competition for deadline extension for the completion of individual research projects for groups supported in 2020.

In total, within the framework of these competitions, the Fund's council of experts selected 825 projects based on the results of the examination.


Amiran Urushadze’s “Beyond ‘Coloniality’ and Nationalism: Spaces of Integration in the Russian Empire (XIX — early XX centuries)” (application No. 23-18-00520) was supported in the first competition, and in the latest one, project No. 20-18-00369 received an extension: "Processes of the Legitimation of Violence: The Cultures of Conflict in Russia and the Escalation of the Civil War" by Boris Kolonitsky.

Amiran Urushadze's project is dedicated to the study of the functioning of the Russian Empire as a multi-component society. The central problem within the framework of the project is the analysis of the formation and development of various imperial integration spaces through which representatives of various ethnic and social groups were included in Russian state and/or public structures. Examples of such integration spaces are educational institutions, military and administrative structures, institutions of local self-government, professional communities, and public (including scientific and educational) organizations.


This study involved professors from the Faculty of History Vladimir Lapin, Alexey Miller, Yulia Safronova, as well as EUSP graduates Tatiana Borisova and Alexei Rubtsov.

Students are also involved in the work. Master’s degree student Yulia Kazantseva has been taking an active part in the project. Yuliya studies the history of universities and is currently working on her master's thesis "The Discussion about Auditresses (unofficial female university students) in 1908".

A project extension was received by Boris Kolonitsky's for his "Processes of Legitimation of Violence: Cultures of Conflict in Russia and the Escalation of the Civil War". During the first stage (2019-2022), articles were published on the topic of collective research, some in high-ranking publications. One of the project participants, Konstantin Godunov, wrote the book Red Easter, dedicated to the celebrations of November 7 during the Civil War (you can read the contents and purchase it on the website of the European University Publishing House).

An important result of the first stage of the study was the collection of articles "Words and Conflicts". The book attracted the attention of historians and other, and the book nearly sold out in a few months.

In the coming years, the project participants will publish a series of articles, and the result of the work will be a monograph. Its tentative working title is "The Civil War". The Political Use of the Concept in 1917-1918.


The research team now includes European University graduates Konstantin Godunov, Alexander Reznik, Konstantin Tarasov, Pavel Rogozny, Dmitry Ivanov, PhD student Mikhail Kondratiev and Master’s degree student Rauf Shumyakov. Other EUSP Master’s degree students were also involved as assistants. Mikhail Kondratiev is writing a dissertation at EUSP on "Public Self-Government of Petrograd in 1916-1918: Municipal Power in the Conditions of Revolution",  and the topic of Rauf Shumyakov's master's thesis is "Radical Socialists in the Propaganda of Their Political Opponents (March-July 1917)".


Congratulations colleagues!