EU-Russia Cooperation Exhibition 2012 “Bridge”

Центр европейских исследований – Центр ЕС

15:00 – 17:00 Round Table “Experience of the Cross-Border Cooperation the EU and Russia within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects”

The purpose of the Round Table is to exchange experiences and views on the general and specific achievements and challenges of the current period of cooperation as well as the formulation of needs and proposals for the future programmes.

Moderator: Maria Nozhenko, CES – EU Centre, European University at St. Petersburg

  • Alexis Loeber, Counsellor, Head of the EU-Russia Cooperation Programme, EU Delegation to Russia
  • Sergei Nikolayev, Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg
  • Dmitry Kislov, Ministry of Economic Development, Republic of Karelia
    George Psarev, Representative of the ENPI CBC Programme “South-East Finland – Russia” in St. Petersburg
  • Sergei Balanev, Representative of the ENPI CBC Programme “Estonia - Latvia – Russia” in Leningrad region
  • Anna Skvortsova, Center NGO Development, St. Petersburg
  • Representatives of the projects and organizations involved into the cross-border cooperation

17:00 – 17:30    Stands & networking. Coffee-break.

17:30 – 19:00    Presentation of the book "The European Union for Regions: What the Russian Regions Can and Should Know about the EU"

The book is written for a wide range of participants of cooperation between the Russian and EU regions as well as for representatives of the regional and local governments, NGOs and institutions interested in such cooperation. It contains a description of the EU’s political institutions, policy-making in the field of regional policy, the analysis of the role of regions and cross-border cooperation in the EU, as well as a reflection on the role of regional cross-border cooperation between the EU and Russia. The book concludes with a chapter on the specifics of the EU approach to the project management.

Moderator: Maria Nozhenko, CES – EU Centre
Authors: Elena Belokurova, CES – EU Centre
Gleb Yarovoy, Petrozavodsk State University

19.00 — 21:00    Reception

During the event the participants will get the Catalogue of Cooperation between the EU and Russia, which contains information about the relevant programs and organizations, and the book "The European Union for Regions: What the Russian Regions Can and Should Know about the EU".

Program (pdf 102KB)