Cultural history of electricity: the promotion and reception of technical innovations in the late nineteenth century

Center for Science and Technology Studies (STS Center)

On 14 December at 6.00 p.m. within the framework of the Regular seminar, STS Center hosts a presentation by Natalia Nikiforova (Polytechnic University of Peter the Great) "Cultural history of electricity: the promotion and reception of technical innovations in the late nineteenth century" (room 210, Shpalernaya street, 1).

Electric lighting and electric appliances have not been usual in the last third of the XIX century, the attitude to innovations was wary or too romanticized. The electricity needed to fit into the frameworks of conventional perceptions. In the report, you will learn how to design the public image of electricity which gender, social and aesthetic stereotypes were involved in the promotion of electronic products, how the effects of electricity were involved in public events and worked on "scenario of power".