A Soliloquy of Chaos: Tsarist Perceptions of Armenians in Late Imperial Russia


On 9 October at 18:00 in Room 389, the Oriental Seminar will host a discussion of Stephen Riegg's work.

This pre-circulated paper focuses on the souring of Russo-Armenian ties in the last two decades of the nineteenth century. "A Soliloquy of Chaos" analyzes how the tsarist state responded to the rise of a diverse Armenian nationalist movement by pursuing Armenian students and clergy, and how this climate reflected an evolution of Russian perceptions of Armenians. One of the paper's key contentions is that even during this nadir in Russo-Armenian relations, the two sides continued to cooperate and derive mutual benefit.

Stephen Riegg is a Ph.D. candidate at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Please note: This event is the discussion of a pre-circulated paper. The text will be circulated via the EUSPB History Department and the EUSPB Oriental Seminar listservs on October 2nd. If you would like to receive a copy of the paper and are not on the listserv, please contact Sam Hirst (hirst@eu.spb.ru) or Anna Matochkina (anna-matochkina@yandex.ru). The text is in English; discussion will be in English and Russian. The event is open to the public.

Contact: (812) 386-76-34