A presentation of a research project of the center "Res Publica": “From the Social to the Public”


At the centre of the authors’ attention are fundamentally academic questions about abstract concepts: the evolution of the use of the term “society”, the conceptualization of society in Russia, from Ancient Rus to Modernity, the specifics of the theory of “society” in the works of the Russian Enlightenment.  Such a collection is able to perplex even the most versed of readers.  However, the results of each of these research areas answers questions very real and relevant to each of us in its relationship to everyday questions: Why is there no formation in Russia of a mass or effective civil society, why do certain societal initiatives nevertheless celebrate success (in part the recent campaign surrounding the Okhta Centre)?
Four of the monographs conclude a single diagnosis:  In the words of the publication’s editor Oleg Kharkhordin, “In Russia the predominant focus is on society when it needs to be on public policies”.

In the course of the round table discussion the authors of this interdisciplinary study presented their main conclusions and discuss these with experts, invited to the event.

Experts invited:

  • Alexei Kovalev, Deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Council
  • Nikolai Belyak, Artistic Director of the St. Petersburg Interior Theatre
  • Alexander Margolis, Co-chairman of the St. Petersburg city branch of the All-Russia Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture, Councillor for the Protection of Cultural Obejects, St. Petersburg City Government
  • Tatyana Likhanova, Reporter “Novaya Gazeta Saint Petersburg”