26 июня в 18:00 в аудитории 217 состоится очередной Сибирский семинар. С докладом на тему "The registry of the indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation" выступит Каролина Сикора (PhD CandidateArctic Centre, University of Lapland). Язык доклада — английский. Языки дискуссии — английский и русский.
Абстракт выступления:
Shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the policy of the so-called ‘glasnost’ (liberation) was launched, indigenous peoples of the Russian North have started to address the need to recognise and define their rights. They were referring to minority and indigenous rights mechanism created in the West. The main point of reference has been the UN working definition of indigenous peoples included in the study on discrimination against indigenous peoples, published by UN Special Rapporteur Martínez-Cobo in 1986. The Russian legislation, however, has established its autonomous concept of indigenous peoples, which recognises only “indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East”. Moreover, individuals belonging to small numbered peoples have not been registered in any formal way as status holders. This situation has been posing challenges when it comes to proving people’s rights, for instance to fish, and hunt as well as eligibility to social benefits. In 2020, the Russian Parliament adopted the amendment to the Federal Law on the Guarantees of the Rights of the Indigenous Small-numbered Peoples (1999), introducing a registry of individuals certified for the indigenous status. In this presentation, I intend to analyse the amendment of the law and present threats standing behind the classification of people in a strict, bureaucratic manner.