Power Breakfast: Climate change means it will be warmer or colder?

Добавить в календарь 2016-11-25 09:00:00 2024-09-27 06:38:27 Power Breakfast: Climate change means it will be warmer or colder? Description University info@eusp.org Europe/Moscow public

Get news from Marrakesh COP22!

ENERPO Research Center invites you to charge your batteries on Friday morning November 25th and learn how Climate negotiations in Marrakesh are going.

We will discuss:

- Russian official position at this very important international conference,

- what independent experts and NGOs are thinking about it,

- what would be next steps after Marrakesh climate summit for Russian oil and gas industry, and

- how this may affect energy policy.

Our guest speaker is Angelina Davydova - Director of German-Russian Office of Environmental Information.  Angelina has been participating in the UNFCCC negotiations since 2008. She comes to St. Petersburg straight from Marrakesh Climate Conference to share her experience."