Gerhard Toews: Enemies of the People

Добавить в календарь 2020-11-19 18:00:00 2025-03-17 13:00:28 Герхард Тевс: Враги народа Description Department of Economics Europe/Moscow public
Department of Economics
Gerhard Toews

The City Economic Seminar organized by EUSP, HSE, and POMI continues its work online. On November 19, at 18.00, Gerhard Toews from the New Economic School will be presenting a paper "Enemies of the people".

Abstract: Enemies of the people were the millions of intellectuals, artists, businessmen, politicians, professors, landowners, scientists, and affluent peasants that were thought a threat to the Soviet regime and were sent to the Gulag, i.e. the system of forced labor camps throughout the Soviet Union. In this paper, we look at the long-run consequences of this dark re-location episode. We show that areas around camps with a larger share of enemies among prisoners are more prosperous today, as captured by night lights per capita, firm productivity, wages, and education. Our results point in the direction of a long-run persistence of skills and a resulting positive effect on local economic outcomes via human capital channels.

The seminar will be held via Zoom application. To receive access, please send a request to (please indicate your full name and occupation/place of study). Also, indicate your full name when entering Zoom. The number of participants is limited (100 people), join the seminar in 5–10 minutes.