A meeting of the City Economic Seminar will be held on May 14 at 18:30 as a virtual conference. Konstantin Kholodilin, a researcher at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin (DIW Berlin), will present research on rent regulation and its impact on housing construction.
The conference will be held in Russian language.
The (re-)introduction of rent regulation in the form of rent controls, tenant protection, or supply rationing is back on the agenda of policymakers in light of rent inflation in many global cities and especially the current COVID-19 induced crisis. While rent control as social policy promises short-term relief, economists point to their negative long-run effects on new construction. In the report, Konstantin Kholodilin will present long-run data on both rent regulation and housing construction for 16 developed countries (1910–2017) and 44 developing countries since the 1980s to confirm the economists' view generally, albeit with certain reservations.
Preprint research is available here.
The meeting will take place on the Zoom online platform. The entrance will be through the “Waiting Room”.
Login link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82982553544