Добавить в календарь 2019-03-12 18:00:00 2024-07-18 14:27:31 CHRISTOPHER MOURAVIEFF-APOSTOL TO SPEAK AT THE EUSP Description Golden Hall Отдел развития Europe/Moscow public
Golden Hall
Отдел развития
Christopher Mouravieff-Apostol

The European University at St. Petersburg (EUSP) is pleased to welcome Christopher Mouravieff-Apostol, Senior Vice-President of Banque Pictet & Cie and descendent of the celebrated Decembrist family, as part of its distinguished lecture series.


1Mr. Mouravieff-Apostol will discuss whether growing up in a historical family helps or harnesses business activities, sharing personal stories of leadership and career development. He will also speak about the establishment of Mouravieff-Apostol House & Museum in Moscow and the historical significance of the upcoming 200th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising of 1825.



Moderator: Oleg Kharkhordin, EUSP Professor, Director of the Center “Res Publica”

Date: March 12, 2019

Time: 18:00

Venue: EUSP Golden Hall (6/1А Gagarinskaya Street, 191187 St. Petersburg)

For more information, call (812) 386 76 31


From 1997–1999 Christopher Mouravieff-Apostol worked at Pictet Asset Management in London. Later he joined the Pictet & Cie Family Office, where he was responsible for the Development of a new consulting sector specializing in “ultra–high net worth” (UHNW) families. Christopher managed the UHNW client acquisition for Southern Europe and oversaw West European UHNW client relationships. From 2003 Mr. Mouravieff-Apostol is Head of Russia and Eastern Europe in Banque Pictet & Cie. Founded in 1805 when Geneva was under Napoleon’s rule, the Pictet Group today is one of the leading independent asset and wealth managers in Europe with close to 500 BILLION Swiss Franc (CHF) assets under management.

As a descendant of an illustrious Decembrist family, Mr. Mouravieff-Apostol has close ties with Russia. In 1989, as a response to the appeal of Raisa Gorbacheva to the Russian emigration, the Mouravieff-Apostol family returned to Russia part of their collections: family relics, a collection of books, albums, and reproductions. When he first visited Russia in 1991, he "felt himself home in his own country." Today he lives between Moscow and Geneva.


Mouravieff-Apostol House & Museum

2Mr. Mouravieff-Apostol restored his family mansion in Moscow at his own expense and opened a museum there, for which the Government of Moscow awarded him the Moscow Restoration - 2013 prize, which highlights the importance of preserving cultural heritage sites. The Museum encapsulates the cultural life of the capital in the late 19th century. Mr. Mouravieff-Apostol sees the restoration of the family mansion as his investment in the past, for the future. Today Mouravieff-Apostol House & Museum is one of the main platforms for unique exhibitions in Moscow.


Mr. Mouravieff-Apostol is dedicated to preserving the Russian heritage sites. He supported the restoration of the Church of the three holy Anastasias in Glukhov and commissioned bells for the Holy Trinity Church at the Russian research station in Antarctica.


3Sergey Muravieff-Apostol was a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Russian imperial army and a hero of the Napoleonic wars. He was one of the leaders of the Decembrist movement. Influenced by the philosophy of the Enlightenment and the liberal ideas of the French revolution, Muravieff-Apostol was critical of Russian autocracy and serfdom. He was one of the founders of the « Union of Salvation » aiming at the liberation of serfs and the introduction of the constitutional monarchy. In January 1818, a new association « Union of Prosperity » formed advocating for the establishment of the republican form of government in Russia. His leadership role in the Decembrist movement cost him his life. He was one of the five forerunners of the Decembrist uprising executed for attempting to overthrow the Russian autocratic regime.




Illustration: Christopher Mouravieff-Apostol, Paris Match.© Sergey Kozmin