BUILDING THE COMMON HUMAN WORLD: Hannah Arendt and Public Action

Добавить в календарь 2017-04-24 14:30:00 2024-07-18 20:29:28 BUILDING THE COMMON HUMAN WORLD: Hannah Arendt and Public Action Description Firsov hall Department of Political Science; Department of Sociology Europe/Moscow public
Firsov hall
Department of Political Science; Department of Sociology

St-Petersburg Arendt Annual Conference

Building The Common Human World: Hannah Arendt and Public Action

April, 24-25, St Petersburg


April, 24
European University at St Petersburg,
3, Gagarinskaya st.

14.30 Registration, welcome-coffee


Opening, Greetings
Oleg Kharkhordin, European University
Artemy Magun, European University/Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbU


Roger Bercowitz. The Worldliness of Virtual Worlds
Oleg Kharkhordin, European University. Implications of Arendt’s Republicanism for the Transformation of Russian Common-ism
Artemy Magun, European University/Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbU What is Public Sphere? Between Parliament and Carnival.

18.00-18.30 Coffee break


Samantha Hill. The Work of our Hands: Hannah Arendt, Homo Faber, & Poiesis
Thomas Schestag, Brown University. Tacit Consent and Civil Disobedience

20.00 Reception

April, 25
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbU
58-60, Galernaya st.

12.30-14.00 Student session – in Russian

Moderators: Samantha Hill and Denis Skopin

Anastasia Katchalova, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbU
Anna Madera, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbU
Elizaveta Trofimova, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbU

14.00-15.00 Lunch


Alexander Fillipov, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Hannah Arendt and Thomas Hobbes: Two Perspectives on Political Theology – in Russian
Viktor Kaploun, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbU / National Research University Higher School of Economics. (TBA) – in Russian

17.00-17.30 Coffee Break


Alexander Pogrebnyak, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbU (TBA) – in Russian
Cecilia Sjöholm, Södertörn University. Speech in the Belly; the Tone of Critical Thought.
Thomas Wild