SEXUAL REVOLUTION? Sex education and political reforms in Sweden in the 20th century

Добавить в календарь 2019-03-21 18:00:00 2024-07-18 14:32:41 SEXUAL REVOLUTION? Sex education and political reforms in Sweden in the 20th century Description Golden Hall Программа «Гендерные исследования» Europe/Moscow public
Golden Hall
Программа «Гендерные исследования»
Lena Lennerhed

In Sweden in the 1930´s, legislation was introduced to promote access to contraceptives and abortion. It was followed by a decrimininalization of homosexual contacts, and the introduction of sexuality education in schools. Critical voices in Sweden and in other countries could describe these reforms as a sexual revolution from above, governed by the state.

In the early 1960´s, swedish liberal and socialdemocratic youth and student organisations, stated that the reforms had not been radical enough. They challenged traditional gender roles, and demanded abortion on request as well as sexual freedom for the young.
In the presentation, sexual debates, reforms and laws, will be discussed in relation the the swedish welfare state during the 20th century.

Lena Lennerhed is professor in History of Ideas at Södertörn University, Sweden. Her research focus on ideas on sexuality and gender in 20th century Sweden. Lennerhed´s latest book Kvinnotrubbel (”Women´s trouble”, 2017) analyses abortion reforms in Sweden, and her ongoing research explores aids and civil society.