Russia-EU Energy Relations

International programs
Fall 2021

The course will examine EU-Russian relations in the framework of mutual dependence, taking stock of the debates on the security of supply and demand; on the benefits and drawbacks of liberalization and state-interference in energy; on intricacies of cooperation in energy efficiency and the development of renewable sources of energy; on the advantages and disadvantages of various patterns of interaction between the public and private sectors. EU-Russian energy relations will be examined in both bilateral and multilateral contexts.

The bilateral one is provided by the institutions, policies, and practices established by the 1994 Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, 2000 energy dialogue, 2005 roadmaps for common spaces, and the 2010 Partnership for Modernization. The international context is formed primarily (but not exclusively) by such institutions as the Energy Charter, G8, G20, International Maritime Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, the Kyoto Protocol. The course will equip students with the up-to-date knowledge of processes, actors, and institutions in EU-Russian energy relations. It will also facilitate the development of necessary skills to analyze the dynamics of EU-Russian relations, and to construct prognoses of their further developments. The course will consist of lectures, discussions, case studies, and role-play simulations.


Course Catalog IMARES ENERPO