Laboratory Art and Artificial Intelligence

School of Arts and Cultural Heritage
In Russian

New information technologies and related scientific developments are becoming an integral part of scholarship in the humanities and cultural studies. Many of the questions asked by art historians, historians and art theorists, as well as museum specialists, exhibition curators and art critics, can be answered with the help of modern information systems. However, quite often scholars in the humanities are unfamiliar with the specialized products and scientific methods that could be applied in their fields. At the same time, developers of such products are often not fully versed in current cultural trends, and therefore are often not able to accurately and fully understand the tasks set.

The laboratory aims to create a research and educational cluster, where specialists in artificial intelligence, computer vision, natural language processing and machine learning can develop new technological tools and solutions for studying works of art and objects of material culture.

Together with specialists from Yandex and BrainGarden, the laboratory staff will design applications for museums, teach computer technologies, and help find common spheres of interest and common goals of interaction between IT specialists and art history scholars and museum partners.



Oleg Lashmanov

Scientific Director and Executive Director, Laboratory "Art and Artificial Intelligence"